
Meridian 9 Homework

Friday, August 31, 2007

Homework for August 31st


French: Learn the: sports, family members, foods and beverages, and the first part of the adjectives in the Si tu as Ublie section of the back of th efrench book(quiz on wednesday)


Chinese:Finish the homework packet before september 10th

Algebra 2: None

World Literature: read in a book of your choice

World Civilizations:


PE: Bring your PE uniform, Bring your

Thursday, August 30, 2007

Aug. 30, 2007

Seminary: Moses 3

German: Study for the vocab (pg. 31) test.

Geometry: pg. 54 # 47 -71 odd

World Literature: Study for vocab test.

1. Countenance: -n,v- look of expression; to permit or tolerate
2. Cursory : -adj- to skim, or give a quick glance
3. Charisma: -n- an ability to have leadership over a group
4. Demagogue: -n- a person, esp. a political leader who gains power through using peoples emotions
5. Demigod: -n- a deified mortal, half god half human
6. Placate: -v- diminish the intensity of a feeling, assuage
7. Indigenous: -adj- coming from a specific place, or normally living there, the Indians are indigenous to America
8. Labyrinth: -n- a maze that is extremely difficult to get through
9. Exacerbate: -v- to increase the intensity of anger, aggravate
10. Incense: -n- an aromatic gum, that when burned gives off a pleasurable smell

History: Study for test.

Anatomy: Do homework on your packet, and read assigned pages.

Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Aug. 29, 2007

Seminary: Moses 2

German: Exercise 11, pg. 13

Algebra 2: pg. 45 #35, 36, 45, 51-53, 68, 69

French: Study the imparfait on pages:13, R 49 & R 50

World Literature: Study the following: study for the vocab quiz. read house on mango street up to page 26

Pace: The speed at which you read

Preview: Scanning over, taking in the cover, key words on the front, and the titlePurpose: For what reason you are reading, studying, for fun, for research, etc..

Paraphrase: When you are reading very monotonous reading, when ever you start to lose focus write down what you have read to that point in 5 words or less

Posture: How your posture is when you read, laying down, sitting in a chair

Point: Point with your fingers to eliminate destraction from other words of the text

Pause: Take rests from monotonous reading

Practice: I wasn't listening

Place: Read in a place that you can focus

History: Read chapter 2, and study for chapter 1 test

Anatomy: Do homework assignment #1

Chinese: Do pgs. 1 and 2, in your papers, using http://www.prenhall.com/chineselink/

Other: (such as) Spanish, French, Geometry, should be posted by indivuals in those classes

Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Aug. 28, 2007

Seminary: Moses 1

German: Exercise 6 and 7

Algebra 2:

World Literature: Look up vocab, read in your books, and practice reading fast and prepare for quiz tommorow (or soon at least) on the following terms:

Pace: The speed at which you read
Preview: Scanning over, taking in the cover, key words on the front, and the title
Purpose: For what reason you are reading, studying, for fun, for research, etc..
Paraphrase: When you are reading very monotonous reading, when ever you start to lose focus write down what you have read to that point in 5 words or less
Posture: How your posture is when you read, laying down, sitting in a chair
Point: Point with your fingers to eliminate destraction from other words of the text
Pause: I wasn't listening
Practice: I wasn't listening
Place: Read in a place that you can focus

History: Read chapter 2 and take notes (advised), Reread chapter 1, and study all
of the notes you took in class, it should be pretty long

Lunch: Go off campus and squander all your money, that you have worked so hard to earn
(or not in some peoples cases)

Anatomy: Study for the test, (50 questions) refer to www.meridian-9.blogspot.com for a study guide

Other: You should know the other stuff for yourself