
Meridian 9 Homework

Thursday, September 27, 2007

Homework for Sept 27, 2007

Seminary: come on time!!!!! prepare for General Conference!

French: Learn the grammar that we went over in class today



Chinese: Memorize the sentence patterns on page 16 in the chapter 2 handout. Practice the characters. if you want to learn more chinese characters go to www.writeinchinese.com

Alg 2: practice the word problems on page 193 for grandparents day tomorrow

World Literature: Finish reading book 2

World Civilizations: do the silk and jain paper thing

Anatomy & Physiology: finish your flash cards

PE: bring your PE Uniform

Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Homework for Sept 26, 2007

Seminary: Come on time

French: know the grammar that we went over in class


Spanish: none

Chinese: Memorize the dialogue and practice the characters

Alg 2: do # 43 (the challenge problem on page 183

World Literature: finish book 1

World Civilizations: Do the Asia map handout homework thing

Anatomy & Physiology: study for the test on Tuesday (i will try to get a review sheet out on the weekend)

PE: Bring your PE uniform

Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Homework for Sept 25, 2007

Seminary: CoMe On TiMe!!!! OR EARLY!!

French: STUdy THE gRaMmeR THat We DId iN ClAsS TodAy




Alg 2: we took a test today... no homework!!

World Literature: no homework, possibly a quiz tomorrow

World Civ: no homework

Anatomy: Color your packet

PE: Bring your PE uniform

Monday, September 24, 2007

Homework for Sept. 24, 2007

IT IS A HALF DAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Seminary: COME ON TIME!!!!!!!

French: Learn the Farm life, Wild animals, TV and movies, other Geographical terms, and the grammar that we did in the back of the book



Chinese: Study the new characters, Memorize the dialogue on page 16 by Wednesday

Algebra 2: Study for the test tomorrow (do at least 50 function problems in your book [if you feel like it] it will increase your speed and accuracy)

World Literature: If you haven't turned in your first draft of an essay, do it. read as much of the introduction of the odyssey as you want

World Civ: Read the Buddha handout and answer the questions that follow (1-4)

Anatomy: do reading assignments 6&7, color the pics. the test is coming up!
PE:Bring your PE uniform

Friday, September 21, 2007

Homework for Sept 21, 2007

Seminary: COME ON TIME!!!!!!!!!!

French: know the following vocabulary: Friendship Nature sea life and exploration and TV and movies found on pages R21,22,23 &24



Chinese:Learn the new vocab, memorize the dialogue

Alg 2: do # 35 - 49 odd on page 153

World Literature: study for the vocab Quiz, work on your personal essay

World Civ: do #s 1,2,3,4,5,and 7 on the sheet he gave us

Anatomy and Physiology: do the next reading assignment

PE:Bring your PE clothes

Thursday, September 20, 2007

Homework for Sept. 20, 2007


Seminary: Come on Time!!!!

French: Learn the Fabrics and colors, clothing,farm life, accessories, restaurant, foods and beverages.



Chinese: Quiz tomorrow

Alg 2: pg 143-144 do # 41-51odd, 54-57 all and 59-62 all

World Literature: vocab quiz tomorrow and personal essays due

World Civilizations: Read chapter 5

Anatomy: do homework assignment #4 Quiz tomorrow on mitosis

PE: bring your pe uniform

Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Homework for Sept. 19, 2007

PICTURE DAY ON FRIDAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Seminary: Come on time!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

French: know the grammar on pgs R31-R33, the professions on pg R23, and do excercise 9 on pg 27



Chinese: Quiz on Friday. know how to write all the characters that we have learned and the Pinyin words and the tones. know how to respond to questions he asks you

Alg 2 Honors: none (we took a test today!)

World Literature: Work on your Personal essay due Friday!

World Civ: Do the sheet that Mr Townsend gave us today

Anatomy: do Homework assignment #4


PE: BRing your PE uniform!

Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Homework for Sept. 18,2007

Seminary: (re)read Abraham 1&2 and genesis 11 and 12

French: study the Leisure activities and the musical instruments on pg R22 and study the adjective stuff on page r29-R31



Chinese: Study for the Quiz on Friday

Algebra 2: do all on pages 134-135

World Literature: personal essay draft due Friday

World Civ: do the Indus valley hand out

Anatomy: do reading assignment #3

Yoga: bring fabric

PE: wear PE uniform

Monday, September 17, 2007

Homework for Sept. 17, 2007

Seminary: Come on Time!!!!!

French: learn the cars and driving Vocab on pages R19 &R20



Chinese: Do the homework Packet by Friday, Quiz on Chapter 1 on Friday

Algebra 2 Honors: do all of the chapter 2 test on page 133

World Literature: Work on your story(s) study vocab, read in a book of your choice

World Civ: TEST TOMORROW, OPEN NOTE AND OPEN BOOK (on chapters 2-4)

Anatomy: do reading assignment #2, study the organelles,quiz tomorrow

Yoga: Bring Fabric

Financial literacy: Continue writing your resume

Thursday, September 13, 2007

Homework for Sept 13 2007

Seminary: be righteous

French: learn the adventurous activities, environment, describing clothes, fabrics and colors and at the beach words between pages R17 and R20



Chinese: Practice writing the characters, we will work on it tomorrow in class

Algebra 2: Lesson 1.5 #2

World Literature: Work on any catch up work that you have to do

World Civilizations: do the Canaanite assignment


PE: TOMORROW IS THE CLAS ROPES FIELD TRIP FOR FIVE HOURS COME PREPARED you get 5 whole extra credit points if you come

Yoga: bring fabric

Financial Literacy: work on your resume

Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Homework for Sept. 12, 2007

Seminary: Read Moses 8, read Genesis 6,7,&8 for Bro Martins class

French: learn the comment dit-on on page the pages that we did in class and learn the menu that we did today in class



Chinese: practice writing chinese characters

Algebra 2: finish last nights homework

World Literature: do your story that we worked on in class today

World Civilizations: read ch 4, do the worksheets he gave us

Anatomy:study for the test, study guides will probably be emailed ~ 5:30

PE:clas ropes on friday for FIVE HOURS

Yoga:bring fabric

Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Anatomy notes

Daily Concept #3

Inorganic molecules are not carbon-based
Organic molecules typically have carbon atoms. They tend to be larger than inorganic molecules.
Monosaccharide (+ glucose ) Disaccharide (+ glucose) Polysaccharide
Glucose ------------- Maltose -------------- Starch
Fructose ------------- Sucrose --------------- Glycogen
Galactose ---------------- Lactose
Nucleic acids
Covalent bonds are bonds where atoms share electrons

atoms consist of a nucleus and orbiting electrons. it is made of 3 subatomic particles.

protons: have a positive charge, the number of protons gives the atom its identity, the proton number never changes, the number of protons plus the number of neutrons gives the atom its mass value.

Neutrons: have no charge, when the number of electrons changes the atom becomes an isotope, to find the number of neutrons in an atom take the mass - the protons = the number of neutrons

electrons: have a negative charge, orbit around the nucleus, an atom has the same amount of neutrons as electrons, electrons have almost no weight


the periodic table of elements is designed so that every atom in each column share similar characteristics, atoms in different columns have different characteristics

H column: all atoms will usually develop a +1 charge when they form an ionic bond,

Be column: all atoms will usually develop a +2 charge when they form an ionic bond,,

B column: will tend to form a +3 charge when they form an ionic bond

N column: tend to form a -3 charge when they form an ionic bond,

Transition elements: we are not studying them,


an ion is an atom that has gained or lost an electron and has a charge

Polyatomic Ions are several atoms that have a single charge and are held together by covelant bonds

examples are: ammonium (NH4 +) hydroxide (OH -) bicarbonate (HCO3-) carbonate (CO3 -2) phosphate (PO4 -3)


isotopes are atoms that have a different number of neutrons than they usually do

radioactive isotopes are isotopes that emit energy
they are used for tracking things in the body and other stuff too

Tuesday, Sept. 11, 2007

Seminary: serve someone and see how you feel. read Moses 5,6,&7

French: finish writing the dialogue



Algebra 2: pg 117 & 118 #s 13-39 odd, 56-62 all, 63-67

Chinese: practice writing the characters

World literature: finish your revised chapter. read in your own book

World Civilization: do the homework sheets that he gave us

Anatomy: study for review day tomorrow

Yoga: bring materials to make the bean bag things

PE: bring your waiver signed. bring your PE uniform

Monday, September 10, 2007

Monday, Sept. 10, 2007

Seminary: be righteous

French: write out dialogue on page 15 from yasmines first line to the deux heures et quart...



Chinese: practice writing chinese

Algebra 2:pg 111 # 25-43 odd and pg 113 # 57-61

World Literature: redo your chapter that you wrote

World Civilizations: do the egypt sheet

Anatomy: do homework assignment #4

Financial literacy: study for quiz

PE: bring permission slip

Friday, September 7, 2007

sept. 7, 2007

Seminary: be righteous, come on time!!!

French: memorize the numbers up to 1000. on pages 14&15 do exercises 20,22&23


Chinese: finish the homework sheet and memorize the dialogue by monday!!!


Algebra 2:NONE

World Literature: finish reading House on Mango Street.

Civilizations: do the sheet on Egypt

Anatomy & Physiology: color, homework assignment 4

PE: bring permission slips and PE uniform

Thursday, September 6, 2007

Sept. 6, 2007

Headmaster Hike tomorrow. there is still going to be seminary and part of 1st Period!!!!

Seminary: be righteous, come on time!!!

French: memorize the numbers up to 1000. on pages 14&15 do exercises 20,22&23


Chinese: finish the homework sheet and memorize the dialogue by monday!!!


Algebra 2:

World Literature: finish reading House on Mango Street. finish and turn in your chapter by tomorrow morning

World Civilizations: do the sheet on Egypt

Anatomy & Physiology: color, homework assignment 4

PE: bring permission slips and PE uniform

Wednesday, September 5, 2007

Sept. 5 2007

Headmaster Hike on Friday!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Seminary: be righteous

French: learn all the city names on the map of France on page xxii Quiz tomorrow



Chinese: finish the homework sheet. get Real Player on your computer. memorize the dialogue. if you want to listen to it go to http://wps.prenhall.com/wl_wu_chineselink_1/0,11135,2566512-,00.html and click on Language in Use

Algebra 2: pg 80-81 # 51-54 all and #55-7 1 odd pg 86 # 19-29 odd

World literature: Work on your chapter in House on Mango Street format

World Civilizations: Do the double sided paper for homework

Anatomy & Physiology: Come to class tomorrow

PE: bring your PE uniform and the permission slip

Financial Literacy: Watch the news for interest rate trends

Tuesday, September 4, 2007

Sept. 4 2007


French: Quiz tomorrow on the Sports, Foods and Beverages, Family Members, and the first column of adjectives on pages R18- R20


Spanish: Do the two worksheets. Do not do actividad 24.

Algebra 2: do page 72 # 25-47 odd. and page 73 # 56-62 all

World Literature: read house on mango street until page 67

World Civilizations: Read chapter 3

Anatomy: do reading assignment #3

PE: Bring your PE uniform

Chinese: Finish the homework sheet by monday the 10th of September

Financial Literacy: watch the news for stuff about interest rates