
Meridian 9 Homework

Tuesday, October 30, 2007

homework for Oct 30, 2007

Seminary: COME ON TIME

French: learn from page R46-R54



Chinese: review day is tomorrow, study study study

Alg 2: pg 254 # 51-55

World Literature: read "the beggar king of Ithaca, PROJECTS DUE FRIDAY

World Civ: REad chapter 11

Anatomy and Physiology: do reading assignment #2

PE: bring your PE uniform

Monday, October 29, 2007

Homework for Oct. 29 2007

Seminary: COME ON TIME

French: Learn form page R44 to the subjunctive



Chinese: Test is on Friday, study and catch up on all homework

Alg 2: test tomorrow

World Literature: WORK ON ODYSSEY PROJECT DUE WEDNESDAY. read stranger at the gates


Anatomy and Physiology: DO THE little assignments and the reading assignment #2

PE: bring your PE uniform

Thursday, October 25, 2007

Homework for Oct. 25 2007

Seminary: COME ON TIME

French: learn all the stuff that we did in class today, know page R42- R46, know the computer vocab, the makeup and toiletries, and the musical instruments



Chinese:be ready for review day tomorrow on chapter 3

Alg 2: do page 244 #1-10 and 12a

World Literature: finish reading telemachus sets sail. work on your odyssey project

World Civ: do the handout

Anatomy and Physiology: NONE

PE: bring your PE uniform

Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Homework for Oct. 24 2007

Seminary: COME ON TIME

French: learn page R51 and half of R52(to the maman je veut.... thing) also be able to translate the stuff that we did today in class (the choristes thing)



Chinese: finish the online homework. know how to write all of the chapter 1,2,&3 characters. the test will be on those. study!

Alg 2: pg 220 #62-63, pg 221 # 16. pg 228 # 44 - 48

World Literature: finish reading"the loyal swineherd" WORK ON YOUR ODYSSEY PROJECt

World Civ:do the handouts

Anatomy and Physiology: study for the test if you havent finished it yet

PE: bring your PE uniform

Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Homework for Oct. 23 2007

Seminary: COME ON TIME

French: (There will be a quiz on the homework.) "Makeup and Toiletries" p R22. "Computers" pR26. "The Future Tense" through "Maman veut que je prenne mon anorak." (pR51 -- middle of pR52.)



Chinese:find how to say all the countries that were on the list on the paper that he gave us

Alg 2: i dont know i wasnt there

World Literature: finish reading the Ithaca at last chapter work on your odyssey project

World Civ: do the philosophy handout

Anatomy and Physiology: study for the test tomorrow

PE: bring your PE uniform

Monday, October 22, 2007

Homework for Oct. 22 2007

Seminary: COME ON TIME

French: know from Verbs like Dormir until the passe compose with avoir



Chinese:do the homework on the website that was assigned

Alg 2: finish your midterm if you havent yet

World Literature: finish the cattle of the sun chapter, Work on your odyssey project

World Civ: do the handout on the pelopponesion wars

Anatomy and Physiology: study for Review day tomorrow. the test is on wednesday

PE: bring your PE uniform

Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Homework for Oct. 17, 2007

Seminary: COME ON TIME

French: Study for the midterm tomorrow(the stuff that we learned on the board, the vocab on page 31, the regular -er verbs and the reflexive verbs.. it wont be on the handout that we did in class today



Chinese: do the vocabulary review a-e on chapter 3 on the chinese link website

Alg 2: study for the mid term tomorrow

World Literature: finish reading book 11

World Civ: do the handout

Anatomy and Physiology: color, do the reading assignments (all of them there is only one left to do), be ready for a quiz tomorrow)

Financial Literacy: Quiz on what we have covered in class, to find the quiz go to http://practicalmoneyskills.com/english/pdf/teachers/lev_3/lesson_02/2_5.pdf

PE: bring your PE uniform

Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Homework for Oct. 16, 2007

Seminary: come on time

French: get ready for the midterm



Chinese: do the vocab review A-E on the website for chapter 3

Alg 2: pg 942 # 49-73 odd

World Literature: Finish reading the bewitching queen of Aeaea

World Civ: Do the worksheet, get caught up on all late homework

Anatomy: Do the next reading assignment, be ready for a quiz tomorrow

Financial Literacy: Quiz on thursday

PE: bring your PE uniform

Monday, October 15, 2007

Homework for Oct. 15, 2007


Seminary: COME ON TIME!!

French: study for the midterm



Chinese: do the homework online and have it email the teacher the results:
due Wednesday, oct 17th
do vocab review exercises A-E

Algebra 2: review 4.1,4.2, and 4.3 for a quiz tomorrow

World literature:finish the cyclops chapter

World Civ: do the handout that he gave us on tuesday

Anatomy: study for a possible quiz tomorrow

PE: bring your PE uniform

Tuesday, October 9, 2007

homework for Oct 9, 2007

Seminary: COME ON TIME

French: review the grammar up to page R40, learn the stuff that he writes on the board each day



Chinese: quiz tomorrow, have the homework and everything for chapter 2

Alg 2: do the odds on the worksheet

World Literature: finish the chapter, vocab quiz tomorrow on the words that we go over in class

World Civ: do the worksheet

Anatomy and Physiology: do homework assignment #5, quiz tomorrow

PE: bring your PE uniform

Thursday, October 4, 2007

HOmework for Oct. 5, 2007

Seminary: COME ON TIME

French: learn the grrammar through page R35 (the red section in the back of the book



Chinese: Quiz on chapter 2, do your chapter 2 homework, know the characters, memorize the Language in use on page 32 in the packet by monday

Alg 2: pg 218 #13-29 odd, pg 219 # 37-53 odd, the midterm is on the 18th!

World Literature: finish book 7 in the odyssey, review vocab in the book that you dont know(a vocab quiz will probably be on wednesday.

World Civ: do the handout that he gave us

Anatomy and Physiology: do reading assignments 3 and 4, be ready for the quiz tomorrow

PE: bring your PE uniform

Wednesday, October 3, 2007

Homework for Oct. 4, 2007


Seminary: COME ON TIME




Chinese: Chapter quiz on Monday, Do the homework Packet, make sure you know the pinyin and chinese of the words

Alg 2: Finish the test (bring it back on monday)

World Literature: Finish teh princess and the stranger chapter (the last page), learn all the vocab that you dont know in the odyssey

World Civ: read chapter 8, it is about Greece and the odyssey

Anatomy and Physiology: do homework assignment # 3 and be ready for the quiz on monday

PE: bring your PE uniform

Homework for Oct. 3, 2007

Seminary: COME ON TIME

French: Learn all the grammar up to the environment, learn the stuff for the midterm that we have been doing in class



Chinese: Quiz is on monday, have your homework done and all the stuff learned for chapter 2


World Literature: finish book 5 on the odyssey

World Civ: Do the paper on the asian people

Anatomy and Physiology: Quiz tomorrow on the epithelial tissues, do reading assignment #2

PE: bring your PE uniform

Tuesday, October 2, 2007

Homework for Oct. 2 2007

Seminary: COME ON TIME!!

French: review the stuff we went over in class today and learn the clothing and accessories and the fabrics and colors on page R17



Chinese: Memorize the sentence patterns, practice the tongue twister

Alg 2: pg 204 #29-36, 43 & 49, pg 211 # 17 & 19

World Literature: finish book 3

World Civ: do the handout thing

Anatomy: do Reading assignment #1

PE: Bring your PE uniform

Monday, October 1, 2007

Homework for Oct. 1 2007

Seminary: COME ON TIME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

French: Know the stuff that we went over in class



Chinese: Know the sentence patterns, know the tongue twister

Alg 2: do # 1-77 odd on page 192 & 193, test on Thursday

World Literature: read up to page 141 in the Odyssey

World Civilizations: Read chapter 7

Anatomy & Physiology: STUDY FOR THE TEST TOMORROW!!!

PE: Bring your PE uniform